tales for dreamers: footwear for any destination

So many brightly coloured pairs of slippers! Which one will you choose to wear on your next journey?

tales for dreamers: footwear for any destination
tales for dreamers: footwear for any destination

There are countless pairs of slippers for you to choose from. Each pair leads to a destination of its own choice.

Some take you back into the past, giving you a chance to say goodbye to those past mistakes and regrets that never seem to leave you.

Some take you far into the future to give you a glimpse of what your life might be like, if only you’re willing to do what it takes today.

Some lead you towards love; of these, some may lead you back to an ex-lover while some others may cross your paths with that of a stranger.

Many lead you back home. But you have to choose whether or not you wish to stay there. The home you once grew up in need not be the home you need right now.

None of them can lead you away from death.

But each and every one of them can lead you towards a different life than the one you’ve remained stuck in for so long. You only have to don a pair and start walking.